Birthday Club

 Welcome to the Birthday Club – Brought to you by The Bread Doctor

Submit your birthday below for your chance to win a Bread Doctor gift card! A tasty treat from The Bread Doctor would be a perfect way to celebrate your big day. Birthdays are announced every weekday at 7:06AM on 98.3 KERM FM, and a gift card is drawn at the end of the month and given to a person who celebrated a birthday that month. Simply fill out the form below to have your birthday announced on the radio and to be entered in The Bread Doctor gift card drawing.

*By submitting a birthday, you agree that GoCoNOW may share the information you have submitted and that you have the right to share this information publicly. GoCoNOW will not publish your post if it contains profanity, threats or suggestive language and your post must be approved before it goes live. By submitting, you understand that this is a free service which posts your celebration message to GoCoNOW’s website and announced on the radio*

January Birthdays

January 13th

Zaniel Dominguez – “Happy Birthday!”

January 29th

Gayle Condos – “Happy Birthday to my Lady Gayle. Love, John”

May Birthdays

May 1st

Donna White

May 2nd

Lonny Luke – “Happy Birthday Grandpa from your grandson, Daxton”

May 13th

Dana Eaton

May 19th

John Rose – “Happy 66th Birthday! Enjoy your day. Love, Kerri”
Barry Flock – “A very special Happy Birthday to Great-Grandpa Barry!”

June Birthdays

June 13th

William R. Baker – “Have a great day. Love you, Mom and Pa”

June 27th

Loren Baker – “Happy Birthday! Have a great day! Love you, Mom and Dad”

July Birthdays

July 1st

Carol Peterson – “Happy 86th Mom. Love Ya, Kerri”

July 8th

Paxtyn Rude – “Happy 14th Birthday Paxtyn! Love, Mom”

July 9th

Bob Baker – “Happy 90th to my Sweet Hubby! – Margie”

July 16th

Rosa Munoz – “Happy 14th Birthday from Mom and Dad”